Saturday, December 7, 2013

I'm a Hippie

No really. I am. Someone buy me a tie-dye shirt for Christmas and burn my bra while you're at it.

Actually, burn all my bras. It's not like I'm wearing them anyway.

Since I've fallen pregnant (as they say in the UK) I've had a lot of time to do research. On all sorts of baby related things. And I've come to the conclusion that I am a hippie. In the best sense of the word, of course.

I plan on breastfeeding. The act of breastfeeding alone doesn't qualify you as hippie. At least not to me. But I've become the like the ultimate defender of breastfeeding in public (or where ever you desire) since getting pregnant. I get infuriated when I hear stories about women being asked to go to the restroom to BF, or being stared at for FEEDING THEIR BABIES. But I digress.


We are also cloth diapering. This has less to do with the environment and more to do with my incessant need to save money wherever we can. But it's also good for the environment, so I'm ALL about it.

Introduction to cloth...

I also plan on baby wearing. And doing a delayed vaccination schedule. And baby led weaning.

You know what the best part is? I don't care what anyone else does with their parenting. Want to use formula? More power to you. Disposable diapers? Awesome. Chew up your food and feed it to your baby a la Alicia Silverstone? Gross to me, but whatever floats your boat.

Because who am I to judge? Is your baby fed, clothed, housed, and most importantly, loved? Awesome.

That's all that matters.

Love and Babydust,

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